Mate Mate: Healthy energy drink replacement

Introducing Mate Mate. A new type of healthy energy drink from Thomas Henry. The advantage of Mate Mate is that it is made from Yerba Mate tea, which is grown in traditional growing areas in South America. This means the drink supports sustainable agriculture and helps to protect the traditional ways of life of the communities there.
This drink contains only natural ingredients, except for the colouring. On the other hand, it does not contain any flavorings that are common in ordinary energy drinks. In addition, it contains only a very small amount of sugar, which means that it does not raise blood sugar levels as quickly as other drinks.
Mate Mate drinks are high in antioxidants, which help protect the body from harmful free radicals and thus contribute to health. In addition, Yerba Mate has a beneficial effect on digestion and can help improve metabolism, contributing to a healthier lifestyle.
They also contain caffeine, which provides an energy boost. Per 100 ml of the drink, this is a value of 30 mg of caffeine. This means it provides a gentle and balanced energy boost. Considering all of these factors, it is clear that Thomas Henry's Mate Mate is an excellent choice for those looking for a healthier and natural energy drink. Its unique composition and benefits set it apart from the conventional energy drinks currently on the market.
On our website you can currently buy all 3 types of Mate Mate in a new design - in a can that is returnable! Even in a bargain set - just click here.